Overhead picture of two people walking on a lightly snow covered sidewalk, one person is holding a rainbow colored umbrella.


Established in the summer of 2018, QUE facilitates opportunities for community building and support for queer-identifying and queer-connected staff and faculty at UConn and UConn Health.  As the group grows in size and strength, opportunities for advocacy that arise organically will be welcome.  (working Mission Statement, 1.14.21)

QUE does not restrict membership based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

Sign up for the QUE listserv to stay informed about the latest events, news, and announcements!

All Upcoming RC Events

  1. Oct 14 Project 2025: Authoritarian Ambition 6:00pm
  2. Oct 15 FAMILEE Training 5:00pm
  3. Oct 16 Law School Fair 12:00pm
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